Young hoosier book program

Announcing the 2019 2020 young hoosier book award nominees. Lake street school is participating in the indiana library federation sponsored program to. Young hoosier book award indiana library federation. The purpose of the young hoosier book award program is to stimulate recreational reading among elementary and middle schooljunior high school children. In striving to enrich the lives of all readers, teachingbooks supports the first amendment and celebrates the right to read. I can attest that the young hoosier list does stimulate independent reading in my students. Announcing the 20192020 young hoosier book award nominees cdn. The purpose of the young hoosier book award program is to promote pleasure reading for students by allowing students to vote for their favorite books. Have you heard about the young hoosier book awards yhba. Each year, ilf committee members select 20 nominees for each category picture book, intermediate, middle grades from titles suggested by teachers, students, parents, public librarians, and media specialists.

There are several ways a student can become involved in the yhba program, and this includes getting a start on the reading this summer. Media professionals hoped that more students could be motivated to read more newly published books. Picture book after the fall by dan santat the bad seed by jory john be quiet. According to the indiana library federation, the purpose of the young hoosier book award program is to stimulate selfselected reading among elementary and middle schooljunior high school children. Announcing the 202014 young hoosier book award nominees for more information about the young hoosier book award program, please visit our web site at. Its a program run by the indiana library federation to engage schoolage kids in fun. The young hoosier book award program was developed to encourage recreational reading experiences for indiana students. Young hoosier book program batesville middle school. The young hoosier book award encourages indiana students to read for fun. Young hoosier book award nominees monroe county public library.

Each year, schools participate in the program by reading books to children and. Young hoosier book award program your child is invited to participate in the young hoosier book award program at batesville middle school. Your child is invited to participate in the young hoosier book award program at batesville middle school. The purpose of the young hoosier book award program is to promote pleasure reading for students by allowing. Cheaney, the perfumed pirates of perfidy by charlie small, found by m. To support the health and safety of our community, the library will be closed until further notice.